If you are looking for a job as the director of a program in a university, you will need to hold a Master’s degree in the applicable field. You will also need to have at least five years teaching courses in this area. The selection committee will be looking for other qualities in your resume, references and interview to determine whether or not you are the best candidate for the job. These include exceptional leadership skills, since you will be a leader with responsibilities for overseeing the work of others.
As director of the specific program, you need to be able to recruit, hire, train and supervise professionals to work in various capacities. The questions the interviewers will likely ask will pertain to your experiences in this matter. You should have a repertoire of areas in which you were the supervisor of developing and implementing specific programs. You will also need to hire support staff and train them so they can carry out their duties with minimum supervision.
One of the duties of a Director of a program at a university is to develop and adhere to a budget based on the fund allotted to your program. Any expenditures for the program are your responsibility, so you will have to be able to determine what the immediate needs of the program are and still have funds left to cover unexpected expenses that will undoubtedly occur. In addition, you will be responsible for the development, implementation and delivery of the program whether it is to an actual class of students, an online program or one offered through distance education. You can also develop new courses for students to provide them with additional education to help them achieve their career goals. Scheduling of these courses also falls under the realm of this position, which you can accomplish with the consultation of the other professionals in the program.
Writing proposals for grants for additional funding is also a responsibility of the position of director of a program. In order to see the program through to the end, there has to be enough funding in place to make this possible. Knowledge of the grant writing process and past experience in obtaining such grants will go a long way towards ensuring that you are one of the top runners for the position. As part of this funding effort, you should possess good communication and presentation skills, so that you can effectively meet and deal with outside agencies.
Above all, as director of the program you should have knowledge of the mission statement of the university and know how to promote this mission in your activities. Being able to articulate your own personal vision of education and the development of the program is important, as you will undoubtedly be asked questions on this in the interview. You should also be able to delegate responsibility to others to promote leadership skills in your staff. This will make your job easier as you show them that you have confidence in them and in return they will do the type of work you want done.