If you are someone who is ready to consider how your career might pan out, the college admissions office might be the place for you. In the first place, it is the office that is centered on deciding who is going to be able to attend the college. The workload can be relatively intense during the summer and fall periods when students are seeking to enroll, but at other times, the office can be relatively laid back. You will find that this type of work can be quite seasonal. Are you in a place where you are ready to take on this position?
When you are thinking about getting work as a college admissions assistant, you will find that it is time for you think about how well qualified you are. To be a college admissions assistant, remember that you need to be a person who is highly organized and detail minded. You are going to be working in an office and you will be working in one that puts a lot of demands on its workers. Remember that the pressure is going to be relatively high, and because of that, you will need to be someone who works very well while under stress. You should also be someone who talks well with other people and who can get your point across. In jobs like this, time is usually at a premium.
As a college admissions assistant, you will find that you are going to need to have a basic understanding of administrative duties, the ability to handle the public, and a strong understanding of the Microsoft Office suite. You should be a fast learner who is willing to gain a thorough understanding of the software that they might be interested in using. You should be someone who is detail oriented enough so that you can keep track of the many small things that will crop up during your day.
If you have had office experience before, and if you are someone who has spent a lot of time wanting to put your organizational tools to good use, a career as a college admissions assistant might be perfect for you!