There are very specific regulations in place in order to get a teaching job in Nevada. For all positions one must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited university. The teacher-training program you need to follow is set out by the Nevada Department of Education and is different according to what grade levels you want to teach. You must adhere to these policies in order to become certified to teach in this state. You can take your teacher preparation program at an accredited university or college anywhere in the country.
To get a teaching job in Nevada for elementary education, your teacher-training program must include thirty-two hours of courses in elementary professional education. Included in these courses, you must make sure you have eight semester hours of student teaching practice in a grade 1 – 8 classroom under the guidance of a certified teacher. You must also have three courses in elementary methods courses for teaching specific subjects, such as Math, science and social studies and three courses in teaching reading and writing in the elementary grades. In addition, you need to take two additional courses in elective courses, such as classroom management, teaching English as a second language technology, assessment methods or special education topics.
If you prefer teaching older students, to get a teaching job in a high school in Nevada, you must have a major concentration in a teachable subject for your Bachelor’s degree. As part of your teacher preparation program, you must have eight semester hours of supervised teaching in this subject and a course in the methodology methods of teaching this content area. These courses are part of the twenty-two courses that make up the teacher-training program. Within the secondary filed, you can choose to get a teaching certificate for an academic subject or an occupational subject. If you would prefer to teach in a community college as a trade or technical teacher, you do need to have the appropriate training. This includes 9 semester hours of how to teach the course as well as two years of experience working in this occupation.
There are also specific regulations for other teaching certificate types in Nevada. If you want to get a teaching job as a teacher of middle school grades, early childhood education or special education, then you must follow the appropriate teacher training for each one. If during the course of your career, you decide that you would like to switch teaching jobs to another content area, you will need to take extra courses in that subject in order to do so.
Knowing how to get a teaching job in Nevada means that you do know that once you complete these requirements and get a teaching position, your initial teaching certificate is valid for only a three-year period. This license is non-renewable. At the end of the initial three-year period, you are required to have completed the additional courses and professional development that will entitle you to receive a professional teaching certificate. Part of these requirements is that you complete courses in the US constitution, And Nevada Law. Copies of transcripts showing that you have met the requirements are an essential part of applying for the professional certificate.