In order to take advantage of education opportunities in Texas for teaching positions there are several steps you can take to get started. The first step involves obtaining an academic degree from an accredited university. The universities in Texas do not offer teacher-training programs, but there are many state approved institutions that offer the necessary courses and training. You do need to hold an academic degree and completion of an approved teacher-training program. Then you must pass one of the state approved tests for teacher certification. In Texas, these tests are called the TeXes certification exams.
If you do not have a college degree, there are many approved colleges and universities throughout the country that offer an academic degree in conjunction with a teacher-training program. If you do already hold a degree, you can take a different route for obtaining one of the education opportunities in Texas. There are universities throughout the country that offer post-baccalaureate degrees and alternative certification programs. These accelerated routes can help you get the training you need to become a teacher in Texas in one year. As part of the program you will spend time in the classroom along with a regular teacher and some of these positions are paid positions.
There are several different tests required for different levels and types of certification for education opportunities in Texas. All the tests are multiple choice and relate to specific curriculum outcomes. These outcomes for the TeXes and ExCet exams can be obtained by logging on to the site for the State Board of Education. Grade levels are also specified for each test so you will know exactly which one you need to take for each type of certification.
If you want to achieve the status of a Master teacher, there is a different set of tests required for education opportunities in Texas. These are the TexMat exams for Master teachers of Reading, Mathematics, Science and Technology. Any teacher in Texas can qualify for additional certification after having received the initial teaching certificate.
For beginning teachers applying for education opportunities in Texas, it is comforting to know that there is ample support available. Since these teachers only have their internships to rely on for teaching experience, all beginning teachers in this state receive intense monitoring and support, especially during their first year. This is called the TexBess program and any teacher can benefit from being part of the program. Beginning administrators and teachers new to the state or the district also receive this support. It can begin at any time and is designed to reduce the amount of teacher attrition in the state, which can have a negative impact on students, school administrators and the staff of schools.
There are shortages in all areas of education in Texas. Although the number of available positions varies across the state, the greatest need for teachers appears to be in the areas of Science, Technology, Mathematics, Foreign Languages and Special Education. In order to qualify for any of these positions, you do need to take the appropriate courses in college and pass the corresponding exam.