Not all teaching jobs are the same and not all of them have the same requirements for employment. In order to attain a teaching position with a school board, you do need to have a degree in education from an accredited university. There are many online degree programs available, but before you enroll, you do need to check to see whether they are accepted in the area where you want to teach. A typical degree program takes four years in order for you to attain the skills necessary to become a teacher. Durng this time you learn the theory associated with teaching, different teaching methodologies and how to handle situations that might develop in the classroom. You also have an internship, during which time you are in the classroom under the supervision of a certified teacher.
Even with an Education degree, you still won’t be able to apply for teaching jobs. Depending on the state where you live you will have to take and pass a teacher certification exam. This is different for some states, so it is essential that you check to see which exams you are required to take. Texas, Georgia, Arizona, and California all have their own certification exams. Then there are the Praxis exams, which differ from East to West. Some of the states that have their own exams also accept Praxis exams in some areas.
In the teacher certification exams, you have to take specific tests to certify you for certain teaching jobs. If you want to teach Science, for example, then you will need to pass the exams related to the teaching of this subject. There are also exams for teaching English as a Second Language, Language Arts and reading, as well as mathematics and Social Studies. If you are applying for teaching jobs as a generalist in primary or elementary classrooms, then you will have to pass one of those exams.
When you submit your application for all teaching jobs, you also have to submit a copy of your university transcript, a copy of your teaching certificate and your resume. This is to ensure you have the courses required for teaching that subject or grade level and that you are certified to teach in that particular state. Even if you apply for substitute teaching, or call-in positions, you will need to have all this paperwork in place.
The postings for teaching jobs that you see advertised online or in the newspapers have the criteria for getting hired for the position outlined in the ad. Usually the title of the position will tell you whether or not you have the qualifications needed to apply for the job. If you have the qualifications for teaching elementary grades, there is no need for you to apply for a high school position if you don’t have the appropriate certification.
With so many teachers applying for positions, you should expect to apply for several jobs before you get called for an interview. Even then you may have to interview for several positions before you get hired as a teacher.